Reflo MPS

  • Clement Avenue School

ReFlo and Community Design Solutions (CDS) combined to work with Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) to propose a re-design of a variety of outdoor schoolyards. 41 sites have been designed with 31 completed.  Each year 5 more schools are designed and enter the 3-year process towards construction.  More than 3 million gallons of stormwater are collected with each rain event.

These sites start off as almost completely paved in asphalt, which is deteriorating; leading to student injuries and costly repairs.  Furthermore, the asphalt prevents storm water from adequately retaining on site, putting strain on the city’s storm water system.  ReFlo proposes a conceptual site wide storm water management strategy, incorporating new play spaces for students and outdoor classrooms. CDS proposed a variety of designs that synthesize outdoor programs with the previously stated ReFlo intervention; specific to each site. These include play spaces, partially and fully covered outdoor classrooms, public seating and green spaces.

Director, Carolyn Esswein