Canceled: “Living ‘A Part Apart’: Brazilian Migrants in Toronto, Canada”

Due to UWM’s closure extending the spring break by a week because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Falina Enriquez’ talk entitled “Living ‘A Part Apart’: Brazilian Migrants in Toronto, Canada” has been canceled.
We hope to reschedule later in the semester and if not, then it will be part of the Fall line-up.
Please join us for the next LACUSL Speakers Series event:
Falina Enriquez Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

“Living ‘A Part Apart’: Brazilian Migrants in Toronto, Canada”

Thursday March 26 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Based on a preliminary ethnographic study, this presentation will provide a semiotic analysis of how Brazilian migrants are situated—and situate themselves—within the multiethnic landscape of Toronto, Canada. Although Toronto is a global city and Brazilian migrants are settling there in increasing numbers, Brazilian people and culture, as well as Brazilian Portuguese, appear in limited ways in the city’s public spaces. In part, this seeming invisibility is due to the fact that Brazilians have not mobilized in ways that make them visible to the Canadian multicultural state and because they are caught between Latinidad and Portugueseness, two identities that are more politically and economically powerful in Toronto. Through drawing from Antonio Tosta’s (2004) argument that Brazilian identity is “a part apart” from Latinidad, this talk will examine what Brazilians’ liminality looks and sounds like in Toronto, while also exploring its socioeconomic and political effects.
Sponsored by the American Geographical Society Library, and the Latin American, Caribbean, & US Latin@ Studies Major