Sharmin, Dishary
PhD Student
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Research Advisor: Dr. James M Cook
Major Area of Focus: Medicinal Chemistry
Thesis: Design and synthesis of chiral and non-chiral α6–subtype selective ligands to modulate the activity of GABAA receptor in order to treat migraine, trigeminal pain and Tourette syndrome.
Bachelor of Pharmacy, 2012-2016, State University of Bangladesh
Why I like Chemistry
I like chemistry because it is useful in preparing for real world
Why I chose the Chemistry and Biochemistry Program at UW-Milwaukee
Because of friendly and supportive attitude of the faculty as well as other graduate student
Favorite things to do in Milwaukee:
I love outdoor activities such as camping, skiing, fishing and going to the beach.
- The Imidazodiazepine Anticonvulsant, KRM-II-81, Produces Novel, Non-diazepam-like Antiseizure Effects. Daniel E Knutson, Jodi L Smith, Xingjie Ping, Xiaoming Jin, Lalit K Golani, Guanguan Li, VVN Phani Babu Tiruveedhula, Farjana Rashid, Md Yeunus Mian, Rajwana Jahan, Dishary Sharmin, Rok Cerne, James M Cook, Jeffrey M Witkin. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2020, 11, 2624−2637
- The α2,3-selective potentiators of GABAA receptors, KRM-II-81 and MP-III-80, produce anxiolytic-like effects and block chemotherapy-induced hyperalgesia in mice without tolerance development. J.M. Witkin. A. Biggerstaff, B. Kivella, J.L. Smith , Md Y. Mian , L.K. Golani , F. Rashid , Sharmin , D.E. Knutson , R. Cerne , J.M. Cook. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior .2020, 196, 172996