Roni, Md Shadiqur Rashid
Research Lab: Prof. Alexander Arnold
Major Area of Focus: Analytical Chemistry/Mass spectrometry
Minor Area of Focus: Medicinal chemistry
Thesis: Pre-clinical and IND enabling studies of asthma candidate MIDD0301
Profiles in social media: LinkedIn ResearchGate ORCID
Previously Attended
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, BS and MS, 2000-2008
Why I like Chemistry
World around us is mysterious and any curious mind would search answer according to its own interest. I like chemistry because it constantly tries to provide us information that we need to solve those mysteries.
Why I chose the Chemistry and Biochemistry Program at UW-Milwaukee
As an analytical chemist by profession, I had great interest in mass spectrometry, specially how this cutting-edge technique is being used in drug discovery and development. When I came across the researches that are going on at UW Milwaukee, specifically in Dr. Arnold’s lab, I knew I am going come here if I got the opportunity.
Favorite things to do in Milwaukee
Enjoy the summer! I never valued the summer back in my home country where 9 months of the year are warm and humid. Summer is very short and beautiful here. I am very much fond of Milwaukee park systems and the lakes. There are thousands of lakes around Milwaukee including great ‘Lake Michigan’ whose view become awesome in summer.
Research Goals
Learn and become skillful and contribute to the community by offering expertise.
- Nicolas M. Zahn, Brandon N. Mikulsky, M. S. Rashid Roni, Gene T. Yocum, Md Yeunus Mian, Daniel E. Knutson, James M. Cook, Charles W. Emala, Douglas C. Stafford, and Leggy A. Arnold "Nebulized MIDD0301 Reduces Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Moderate and Severe Murine Asthma Models" ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 2020, 3(6), 1381-1390.
- Daniel E. Knutson, M.S. Rashid Roni, Md Yeunus Mian, James M. Cook, Douglas C. Stafford, and Leggy A. Arnold “Improved scale-up synthesis and purification of clinical asthma candidate MIDD0301” Organic Process Research & Development 2020, 24(8), 1467-1476.
- M.S. Rashid Roni, Guanguan Li, Brandon N. Mikulsky, Daniel E. Knutson, Md Yeunus Mian, Nicolas M. Zahn, James M. Cook, Douglas C. Stafford and Leggy A. Arnold “The effects of pH on the structure and bioavailability of imidazobenzodiazepine-3-carboxylate MIDD0301” Molecular Pharmaceutics 2020, 17(4), 1182-1192.
- Nicolas M. Zahn, Alec T. Huber, Brandon Nicholas Mikulsky, Mae Elizabeth Stepanski, Alexander Scott Kehoe, Guanguan Li, Melissa Schussman, M.S. Rashid Roni, Revathi Kodali, James M. Cook, Douglas C. Stafford, Douglas A. Steeber and Leggy A. Arnold “MIDD0301 ‒ A first-in-class anti-inflammatory asthma drug targets GABAA receptors without causing systemic immune suppression” Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2019, 125, 75-84.
- Gene T Yocum, Jose F Perez-Zoghbi, Jennifer Danielsson, Aisha S Kuforiji, Yi Zhang, Guanguan Li, M.S. Rashid Roni, Revathi Kodali, Douglas C Stafford, Leggy A. Arnold, James M Cook, Charles W Emala Sr “A Novel GABAA Receptor Ligand MIDD0301 with Limited Blood-Brain Barrier Penetration Relaxes Airway Smooth Muscle Ex Vivo and In Vivo” American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2018, 316, 385-390.
- Gloria S. Forkuo, Amanda N. Nieman, Revathi Kodali, Nicolas M. Zahn, Guanguan Li, M.S. Rashid Roni, Michael Rajesh Stephen, Ted W. Harris, Rajwana Jahan, Margaret L. Guthrie, Olivia B. Yu, Janet L. Fisher, Gene T. Yocum, Charles W. Emala, Douglas A. Steeber, Douglas C. Stafford, James M. Cook , and Leggy A. Arnold “A Novel Orally Available Asthma Drug Candidate That Reduces Smooth Muscle Constriction and Inflammation by Targeting GABA(A) Receptors in the Lung” Molecular Pharmaceutics 2018, 15, 1766-1777.
ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo: “Characterization and clearance of asthma candidate MIDD0301” ACS Virtual annual meeting August 17-28, 2020
Awards Day 2019: “Protein binding of MIDD0301 and strategies for identifying its possible metabolites” KIRC, UW Milwaukee, WI; April 26, 2019
Milwaukee Analytical Chemistry Conference: “Protein Binding assay of Novel Imidazobenzodiazepine GL-II-93.” KIRC, UW Milwaukee, WI; January 25, 2019
Awards Day 2017: “Microsomal Stability Determination of Novel Imidazobenzodiazepines” UWM Union; Milwaukee WI; May 23 2017
Eurofins analytical chemistry award - Fall 2019
Graduate Student Excellence Fellowship - Fall 2020