Rahman, Md Toufiqur
Graduated: Fall 2018 | Final Defense Abstract
Research Lab: Prof. James M. Cook
Major Area of Focus: Organic Chemistry
Minor Area of Focus: Organic Synthesis
Previously Attended
University of Dhaka-Bangladesh, 2009-2011, M.S. (Thesis), Physical Chemistry.
University of Dhaka-Bangladesh, 2004-2009, B.Sc (Hon's), Chemistry
Why I chose the Chemistry and Biochemistry Program at UW-Milwaukee
Friendly environment, knowledgeable and helpful faculties, great academic and research setup. Overall, a great place to learn and grow.
Favorite things to do in Milwaukee
Summer picnic and events by the Lake.
Research Goals
Enantiospecific total synthesis of monomeric and dimeric macroline-sarpagine-ajmaline related indole alkaloids.
Conference Proceedings, Oral, and Posters Presentations
- Rahman, M. T., “Total Synthesis of Sarpagine-Related Bioactive Indole Alkaloids” Oral presentation at Nobel Graduate Seminar, arranged by Milwaukee Institute for Drug Discovery (MIDD) on the occasion of 2016 Chemistry Nobel Laureate Professor Bernard L. Feringa’s visit to The UWM Chemistry Department, September 2017.
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J.R.; Cook, J.M. General strategy for the total synthesis of C-19 methyl substituted sarpagine/macroline indole alkaloids including macrocarpines A-G, peraksine, and dihydroperaksine. Oral Presentation (ORGN 654), 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2017.
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J. R.; Cook, J. M., General Strategy for the Total Synthesis of C-19 Methyl Substituted Sarpagine/Macroline Indole Alkaloids, Poster Presentation, (Poster # 50), 34th H. C. Brown Lectures in Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, April 2017.
- Cook, J. M.; Rahman, M. T.; Proceedings of the 27th Mona Symposium, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston, Jamaica, January 8-11, 2018.
- Cook, J. M.; Rahman, M. T.; Proceedings of the 26th Mona Symposium, Jan 4-7, 2016. University of West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica, (Short Paper #1)
- Cook, J. M.; Rahman, M. T. Proceedings of the Florida Heterocyclic & Synthetic Conference (FloHet 2016), February 2016.
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J. R.; Cook, J. M. 5th ICBS Conference, Madison, WI, October 24-26, 2016 (Poster Presentation, Poster Number 108)
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J. R.; Cook, J. M. 251st ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, March 13-17, 2016 (Poster Presentation, ORGN 206)
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J. R.; Cook, J. M. 249th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO, March 22-26, 2015 (Poster presentation, ORGN 164)
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J. R.; Cook, J. M. Poster presentation at ACS Milwaukee Meeting, Carrol University, WI, March 31, 2016.
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J. R.; Cook, J. M. Poster Presentation at UWM Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Awards Day and Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, May 21, 2016.
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J. R.; Cook, J. M. Poster Presentation at UWM Graduate Student Research Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, October 28, 2016.
- Pareek, T.; Overton, J. S.; Rowlett, J. K.; Rahman, M. T.; Cook, J. M.; Platt, D. M. CPDD 2019, San Antonio, TX, Abstract 361, Jun 2019.
- Rahman, M. T.; Cook, J. M. Synthesis 2018
- Rahman, M. T.; Cook, J. M. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2018, 3224-3229. (Very Important Paper)
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J. R.; Imler, G. H.; Cook, J. M. Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 2354-2359.
- Rahman, M. T.; Deschamps, J. R.; Imler, G. H.; Schwabacher, A. W.; Cook, J. M. Org. Lett. 2016, 18, 4174-4177.
- Rahman, M. T.; Tiruveedhula, V. V. N. P. B; Cook, J. M. Molecules 2016, 21, 1525.
- Rahman, M.T.; Cook, J. M. In Studies in Natural Products Chemistry; Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS, Ed.; Elsevier Science Publishers: The Netherlands (2019).
- Stephen, M. R.; Rahman, M. T.; et al., Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 15805-15819.
- Zu. N. Z. et al., Psychopharmacology, 2018, 235, 1151-1161.
- Methuku, K. R. et al., Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 2018, 170, 9-13.
- Schwan W. R. et al., Antibiotics, 2017, 6, 17.
- Sosnovsky Award for Excellence in Graduate Research, 2018.
- 4 Poster Awards [1 at Purdue (HC Brown), 2 at UWM-Chemistry Dept. (Awards day), 1 at BACABANA Convention].
Professional Profiles
- ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md_Toufiqur_Rahman
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mdrahman-uwm