Mahapatra, Mausumi
Year of Graduation 2015, Ph.D
Research Lab: Dr. Tysoe
Major Area of Focus: Surface Science
Minor Area of Focus: Physical Chemistry
Thesis: Chiral Modification of the Pd(111) Surface By Small Organic Molecules
Previously Attended
Nayagarh College, 2001-2004, Bsc.
Ravenshaw University, 2004-2006, Msc.
Why I like Chemistry
I like Chemistry, because I really enjoy learning chemistry!
Why I chose the Chemistry and Biochemistry Program at UW-Milwaukee
I choose Chemistry and Biochemistry program at Milwaukee because of lot of research opportunity.
Favorite things to do in Milwaukee
Walking on the lake, watching snow in winter.
Research Goals
My research goal is to understand the heterogeneous chiral catalysis. To study different reactions on Palladium model crystal.