Banisadr, Seyedali
Expected Year of Graduation: 2018
Research Lab: Dr. Jian Chen
Major Area of Focus: Organic Chemistry
Minor Area of Focus: Polymer Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry
Thesis: New Approaches to Multi-functional Soft Materials
Previously Attended
- Amirkabir University of Technology-Tehran, Iran,2008-2010, M.S.,Polymer science and engineering
- Azad University, Tehran,Iran,2003-2008,B.S., Polymer science and engineering
Why I like Chemistry
I like doing research in the field of polymer science. As you know, polymers are everywhere, from plastic bags to high-tech devices. I already have polymer engineering background. But, my perspective, understanding the chemistry of polymers gives me a deeper insight towards developing novel applications of the polymeric materials.
Why I chose the Chemistry and Biochemistry Program at UW-Milwaukee
The research that has been done in Dr. Chen's group on smart materials and nanotechnology grabbed my attention to pursue my studies on as a member of his research group at UWM.
Favorite things to do in Milwaukee
I like outdoor activities (sports) in Milwaukee ,especially in the summer time.
Research Goals
My goal is to solve the current challenges in the field of materials science, to demonstrate and develop novel applications of the smart materials.
Seyedali Banisadr, Homa Asempour, ‘Effect of ferric salt of orange peel solid fraction on photo-oxidation and biodegradability of LDPE films’, 2012, IPJ, Springer, Volume 21, Number 7
Poster Presentations
- S. Banisadr, H. Asempour, ‘Investigation on the influences of orange peel solid fraction on photo-oxidative and biodegradability of LDPE films’, PPS Americas Conference 2012, May 2012, Toronto, Canada.
- S. Banisadr, H. Asempour, ‘Studies on the photo-biodegradation process of LDPE blend films in the presence of a novel biodegradant’, Biopol 2011 Conference, Aug. 2011, Strasburg, France.
- S. Banisadr, H. Asempour, ‘Study on photo-biodegradation process of LDPE film blended with a novel biodegradant filler’, 32APS Conference, Feb. 2011, Sydney, Australia.
- S. Banisadr, H. Asempour, ‘Studies on the photo-biodegradation process of LDPE blend films in the presence of a novel biodegradant’, MACRO 2010 Conference, Dec.2010, New Delhi, India.
- Chancellor's Graduate Student Award, 2014, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Chancellor's Graduate Student Award, 2013, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Chancellor's Graduate Student Award, 2012, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Outstanding M.Sc. student award, 2010, Department of Polymer Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran