What Do Fish, Frogs, Computers and a New Building Have in Common?

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

What do fish, frogs, computers and a new building have in common? At UW-Milwaukee, they are all paving the way to important scientific discoveries that hit home in our lives.

Today, I share news about how fish and frogs may one day provide new treatments for human eye diseases and prevent permanent vision loss, the fascinating historical journey of the now ubiquitous computer, and breaking ground on a critically needed new chemistry building.

Best regards,

Mark A. Mone, PhD

Fish and frogs may hold the secret to reversing blindness in humans

When a person’s optic nerve is damaged, their eyesight goes with it. The nerve can’t be healed, and blindness is permanent. This is not the case for fish. Read more 

Book traces evolution of computer from unusual to ubiquitous

Over the last 50 years, the computer has been transformed from a hulking scientific super-tool to a diverse family of devices that billions rely on to play games, shop, stream entertainment and communicate. Read more 

Ground broken for new chemistry building

UWM broke ground on a long-sought new chemistry building. UW System President Tommy Thompson, Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley and others voiced how the new building will help grow talent in Wisconsin. Read more 

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