CETL Announces Spring 2020 Instructor Teaching Partnership Program

Dear Faculty and Instructional Academic Staff,

Given the sudden, unique, and extensive changes to our teaching efforts this spring due to the COVID-19 virus, many of you are experiencing similar challenges (and successes!) as you navigate your online course changes. Thank you for all of your many efforts to make our students, courses, and programs continue successfully!

Although you now may have less campus contact and conversations about your teaching, current social distancing need not limit your options for collaboration, support, and exchange with colleagues. Therefore, we have created an opportunity for you to connect with colleagues as partners in your online teaching efforts by participating in our new, spring 2020 Online Teaching Partnership Program.

We are now inviting all faculty and instructional academic staff from all of our colleges and schools to participate in the 2020 Spring Teaching Partnership Program. By completing the very brief form below, you will be matched with a colleague according to your interest in synchronous, asynchronous, and mixed course formats. Your mutual role is to offer support, ideas, examples, and encouragement. Expertise is not expected as this is a reciprocal exchange created to engage and support one another during a restricted time.

You will receive an email from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) confirming your match as soon as we begin to receive requests. Once you are notified of your partnership, please initiate contact with them and begin sharing information about your courses, challenges, helpful resources, and successful strategies.

To participate and indicate your interest, please complete this form: https://milwaukee.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2tb9lrFrVpPkC0t