Call for Reviewers and List of Books Available for Review
E-Keltoi is always seeking reviewers for new Celtic Studies books. A book review for e-Keltoi should assess a publication’s strengths and weaknesses, and avoid simply listing content. Based on their particular area of disciplinary expertise, reviewers should situate the publication in the field of scholarship for which it was written. Please refer to previous book reviews for models of content and formatting.
The following is a list of publications that have been received from publishers and are currently available for review. If there is interest in a publication not listed here, please contact the Book Reviews Editor so that arrangements can be made with the publisher to obtain a review copy.
Those interested in becoming reviewers for e-Keltoi should submit a current CV and statement of research interests to the Book Reviews Editor (Kevin Garstki at with a request to review a particular book on the list below. We will then send the requested book together with a contract indicating a timeline for receipt of the review.
Publication Year 2013
Auge, Andrew J. A Chastened Communion: Modern Irish Poetry and Catholicism. Syracuse University Press. 2013. ISBN 978-0815633297
Backus, Margot Gayle. Scandal Work: James Joyce, the New Journalism, and the Home Rule Newspaper Wars. University of Notre Dame Press. 2013. ISBN 978-0-268-02237-2
Darcy, Eamon. The Irish Rebellion of 1641 and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. Boydell Press. 2013. ISBN 978-0-86193-320-4
O Baoill, Donall, Bonncha O hAodha & Nollaig O Muraile. Saltair Saíochta, Sanasaíochta Agus Seanchais: A Festschrift for Gearóid Mac Eoin. Four Courts Press. 2013. ISBN 978-1-85182-570-7
Russell, Richard Rankin. Modernity, Community, and Place in Brian Friel’s Drama. Syracuse University Press. 2013. ISBN 978-0-8156-3331-0
Ulin, Julieann Veronica, Heather Edwards & Sean O’Brien. Race and Immigration in the New Ireland. University of Notre Dame Press. 2013. ISBN 978-0-268-02777-3
Publication Year 2012
Bergholm, Alexandra. From Shaman to Saint. Academia Scientiarum Fennica. 2012. ISBN 978-951-41-1069-6
Boyle, Elizabeth and Paul Russell. Tripartite Life of Whitley Stokes (1830-1909). Four Courts Press. 2012. ISBN 978-1-84682-278-0
Carville, Conor. The Ends of Ireland: Criticism, History, Subjectivity. Manchester University Press. 2012. ISBN 978-0-7190-8383-9
Colbert, Benjamin. Travel Writing and Tourism in Britain and Ireland. Palgrave Press. 2012. ISBN 978-0230-251083
Garnham, Neal. The Militia in Eighteenth-Century Ireland: In Defence of the Protestant Ireland. Boydell Press. 2012. ISBN 978-1-84383-724-4
McAvoy, Liz Herbert and Diane Watt. The History of British Women’s Writing, 700-1500. Palgrave Press. 2012. ISBN 978-0230-235106
Mianowski, Marie. Irish Contemporary Landscapes in Literature and the Arts. Palgrave Press. 2012. ISBN 978-0230-319394
Rajamannar, Shefali. Reading the Animal in the Literature of the British Raj. Palgrave Press. 2012. ISBN 978-0-230-11449-4
Usher, Robin. Protestant Dublin, 1660-1760: Architecture and Iconography. Palgrave Press. 2012. ISBN 978-0-230-22389-9
Publication Year 2011
Croinin, Daibhi. Whitley Stokes (1830-1909): The Lost Celtic Notebooks Rediscovered. Four Courts Press. 2011. ISBN 978-1-84682-174-5
Horlacher, Stefan. Constructions of Masculinity in British Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present. Palgrave Press. 2011. ISBN 978-0-230-11509-5
McCann, Gerard. Ireland’s Economic History: Crisis and Development in the North and South. Pluto Press. 2011. ISBN 978-0-7453-3030-3
McCluskey, Fergal. Fenians and Ribbonmen: The Development of Republican Politics in East Tyrone, 1898-1918. Manchester University Press. 2011. ISBN 978-0-7190-8471-3
O’ hAodha, Michel. Insubordinate Irish: Travelers in Text. Manchester University Press. 2011. ISBN 978-0-7190-8304-1
Proudfoot, Lindsay and Dianne Hall. Imperial Spaces: Placing the Irish and Scots in Colonial Australia. Manchester University Press. 2011. ISBN 978-0-7190-7837-8
Publication Year Pre-2011
Adshead, Maura and Jonathan Tonge. Politics in Ireland: Convergence and Divergence in a Two-Polity Island. Palgrave Press. 2009. ISBN 9-781403-989703
Amodio, Mark. Writing the Oral Tradition: Oral Poetics and Literate Culture in Medieval England. University of Notre Dame Press. 2004. ISBN 0-268-02024-8
Borgonovo, John. Spies, Informers and the ‘Anti-Sinn Fein Society’: The Intelligence War in Cork City, 1919-1921. Irish Academic Press. 2007. ISBN 0-7165-2833-9
Eska, Joseph. Law, Literature and Society: CSANA Yearbook 7. Four Courts Press. 2008. ISBN 978-1-84682-099-1
Fallon, Peter. Printing, Literacy, and Education in 18th Cent. Ireland: Why the Irish Speak English. Edwin Mellen Press. 2005. ISBN 0-7734-6033-0
Garcia Quintela, Marco, Francisco Gonzalez Garcia, Felipe Criado Boado. Anthropology of the Indo-European World and Material Culture. Archaeolingua. 2006. ISBN 963-8046-72-4
Ging, D., M. Cronin, and P. Kirby. Transforming Ireland: Challenges, Critiques, and Resources. Manchester University Press. 2009. ISBN 978-07190-7893-4
Gray, Peter. The Making of the Irish Poor Law, 1815-1843. Palgrave Press. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7190-7649-7
Hay, Marnie. Bulmer Hobson and the Nationalist Movement in Twentieth-Century Ireland. Manchester University Press. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7190-7987-0
Higham, N.J. Britons in Anglo-Saxon England. Boydell Press. 2007. ISBN 1-84383-312-3
Laffan, Brigid and Jane O’Mahony. Ireland and the European Union. Palgrave Press. 2008. ISBN 978-1-4039-4928-8
MacGuire, Martin. The Civil Service and the Revolution in Ireland, 1912-38: Shaking the blood-stained hand of Mr. Collins. Manchester University Press. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7190-8194-1
MacGuire, Tom. Making Theatre in Northern Ireland: Through and Beyond the Troubles. University of Exeter Press. 2006. ISBN 0-85989-739-7
McCarthy, Daniel. The Irish Annals: Their Genesis, Evolution and History. Four Courts Press. 2008. ISBN 978-1-84682-048-9
McIlvanney, Liam and Ray Ryan. Ireland and Scotland: Culture and Society, 1700-2000. Four Courts Press. 2005. ISBN 1-85182-875-3
Molony, Sean. Lusitania: An Irish Tragedy. Mercier Press. 2004. ISBN 1-85635-452-0
O’Halloran, Claire. Golden Ages and Barbarous Nations: Antiquarian Debate in Ireland, c. 1750-1800. University of Notre Dame Press. 2004. ISBN 0-268-03271-3
O’Malley, Kate. Ireland, India and Empire: Indo-Irish Radical Connections, 1919-64. Manchester University Press. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7190-8171-2
Pierce, David. Light, Freedom and Song: A Culture History of Modern Irish Writing. Yale University Press. 2005. ISBN 0-300-10994-6
Whelan, Bernadette. American Government in Ireland, 1790-1913: A History of the US Consular Service. Manchester University Press. 2010. ISBN 978-0-7190-8301-3