All Fellows were UWM or UW System faculty at the time of their fellowships, unless otherwise noted.


†Victor Greene, History
Andreas Huyssen, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature


Doug Gomery, Journalism and Mass Communication
†Haig Khatchadourian, Philosophy


Teresa de Lauretis, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
†Campbell Tatham, English


David Eason, Journalism and Mass Communication
Bernard Gendron, Philosophy


Luis O. Arata
Ray Green, Spanish and Portuguese
Patricia Mellencamp, Art History


John Koethe, Philosophy
†Mark Krupnick, English


David Hoeveler, History
Roland Stromberg, History
Walter Weare, History
Yehuda Yannay, Music


Margaret Atherton, Philosophy
†Herbert Blau, English
Jane Hood, Sociology
William Washabaugh, Anthropology


Jane Bowers, Music
Teresa de Lauretis, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Patrick McNaughton, Art History
Tania Modleski, English


Rodolfo Cortina, Spanish and Portuguese
James Cronin, History
Bernard Gendron, Philosophy
Patricia Mellencamp, Art History
John Pauly, Journalism and Mass Communication
Jack Zipes, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature


†Carlos Dominguez, Spanish and Portuguese
Helena Pycior, History
Gabriele Schwab, English
Robert Schwartz, Philosophy
William Washabaugh, Anthropology


Bernard Gendron, Philosophy
Miriam Gusevich, Architecture
†Jeffrey Hayes, Art History
Andreas Huyssen, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Katherine Unruh, Spanish and Portuguese


Marcus Bullock, English
Margaret Duncan, Human Kinetics
Bernard Gendron, Philosophy
Robert Lauer, Spanish and Portuguese
Robert McPhee, Communication
Fabrizio Mondadori, Philosophy


Barry Brummet, Communication
Rob Danielson, Film
Gregory Jay, English
Andrew Martin, English
Patricia Mellencamp, Art History
†Roswitha Mueller, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Patrice Petro, English
†Arthur Seeger, Journalism and Mass Communication


David Buck, History
David Hoeveler, History
Cheryl Johnson, English
Andrew Martin, English
William Wainwright, Philosophy


Margaret Atherton, Philosophy
Leslie Bellavance, Visual Art,
Lynne Joyrich, English
Stacey Oliker, Sociology
Robin Pickering-Iazzi, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Lynn Worsham, English


Marcus Bullock, English
Gwynne Kennedy, English
Panivong Norindr, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Marina Perez de Mendiola, Spanish and Portuguese
Helena Pycior, History
Rolando Romero, Spanish and Portuguese


†J.B. Harley, Geography
Linda Krause, Architecture
Patricia Mellencamp, Art History
Patrice Petro, English
†Sheila Roberts, English
Yehuda Yannay, Music


Paul Brodwin, Anthropology
Margaret Duncan, Human Kinetics
Kristie Hamilton, English
Jeffrey Merrick, History
Kathryn Olson, Communication
Julius Sensat, Philosophy


Kimberly Blaeser, English
†Lawrence Hoey, Art History
John Koethe, Philosophy
Christopher Lane, English
Andrew Martin, English
James Soderholm, English


Sherry Ahrentzen, Architecture
Susan Burgess, Political Science
Sidney Greenfield, Anthropology
Gregory Jay, English
David Pritchard, Journalism and Mass Communication
Gabrielle Verdier, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature


Cecelia Condit, Film
Susan Heidrich, Nursing
Dale Jaffe, Sociology
Sharon Keigher, Social Welfare
Patricia Mellencamp, Art History
Robin Pickering-Iazzi, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature


Paul Brodwin, Anthropology
Panivong Norindr, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Karen Riggs, Journalism and Mass Communication
Sylvia Schafer, History
William Van Pelt, English
Joan Weiner, Philosophy


Leslie Bellavance, Visual Art,
Lane Hall, Visual Art
†Jeffrey Hayes, Art History
†Lawrence Hoey, Art History
Michelle Johnson, English
†Sheila Roberts, English


Bettina Arnold, Anthropology
Margaret Atherton, Philosophy
Michael Dintenfass, History
Lynne Joyrich, English
Michael Liston, Philosophy
K.E. Supriya, Communication/Journalism and Mass Communication


Carla Bagnoli, Philosophy
Kenneth Bendiner, Art History
Marcus Bullock, English
Kathryn Olson, Communication
Peter Sands, English
Robert Schwartz, Philosophy


Dick Blau, Film
Mark Bradley, History
Cary Costello, Sociology
Alice Gillam, English
Anne Hansen, Anthropology & History
Joan Wolf, Foreign Languages and Linguistics & Political Science


Kalman Applbaum, Anthropology
Lane Hall, Visual Art
Jennifer Jordan, Sociology
Terry Nardin, Political Science
Mark Netzloff, English
Tasha Oren, Journalism and Mass Communication
Denis Provencher, French, UW-LaCrosse
Amanda Seligman, History
Javier Tapia, Education


David Allen, Journalism and Mass Communication
Mark Bradley, History
George Clark, English
Joan Dobkin, Visual Art
Carlos Galvao-Sobrinho, History
Peter Paik, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Helena Pycior, History
Robert Wolensky, Sociology, UW-Stevens Point


Sukanya Banerjee, English
Kristin Espinosa, Sociology
Judith Kenny, Geography
Andrew Kincaid, English
Aims McGuinness, History
Steven McKay, Sociology
Lisa Moline, Visual Art


Gilberto Blasini, English
Derek Counts, Art History
Rina Ghose, Geography
Douglas Howland, History
Raymond Isaacs, Architecture
Thomas Malaby, Anthropology
Andrea Westlund, Philosophy
Jian Xu, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature


Jasmine Alinder, History
Ellen Amster, History
Susan Laikin Funkenstein, Art History, UW-Parkside
Edward Hinchman, Philosophy
Melanie Mariño, Art History
John McGuigan, English, UW-Whitewater
Julius Sensat, Philosophy
K.E. Supriya, Communication/Journalism and Mass Communication
Richard Wearn, Art


Anne Hansen, Anthropology & History
Barbara Ley, Journalism and Mass Communication
Jon McKenzie, English
Kristin Pitt, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Mat Rappaport, Digital Media
Gillian Rodger, Music
Tanya Tiffany, Art History
Robert Wolensky, Sociology, UW-Stevens Point


Michelle Bolduc, French, Italian and Comparative Literature
Diane Canfield Bywaters, Professor of Art and Design, UW-Stevens Point
Barrett Kalter, English
Christina Maranci, Art History
Bernard C. Perley, Anthropology
Arijit H. Sen, Architecture
Caroline Seymour-Jorn, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature


Aneesh Aneesh, Sociology
Christopher Burns, Music
Luca Ferrero, Philosophy
Thomas Haigh, School of Information Studies,
Michael Oldani, Sociology and Anthropology, UW-Whitewater
Lisa Silverman, History
Florence Vatan, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature


David Allen, Journalism and Mass Communication
Erica Bornstein, Anthropology
Bruce Charlesworth, Film
Jennifer Johung, Art History
Nan Kim, History
Jason Puskar, English
Manu Sobti, Architecture
Deborah J. Wilk, Art History, UW-Whitewater
Robert Wolensky, Sociology, UW-Stevens Point


Matthew Burtner, Provost Fellow, University of Virginia
Winson Chu, History
W. John Coletta, English, Stevens Point
Mick Day, Geography
Ryan Holifield, Geography
Valerie Laken, English
Richard Leson, Art History
Colleen Ludwig, Art and Design
Tami Williams, English


Rachel Ida Buff, History
Rebecca Dunham, English
Charlotte Frost, Provost Postdoctoral Fellow, Birkbeck College, University of London
María del Pilar Melgarejo, Spanish & Portuguese
Michael Newman, Journalism
Rebekah Sheldon, Provost Postdoctoral Fellow, CUNY
Nathaniel Stern, Art & Design
Kristin Sziarto, Geography
Heather Warren-Crow, Art & Design


Christine Evans, History
Caitjan Gainty, Provost Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago
Shelleen Greene, Art & Design
Theodore Martin, English
Anna Mansson McGinty, Geography, Women’s Studies
Blain Neufeld, Philosophy
Anika Wilson, Africology
Anne Frances Wysocki, English


Marcus Filippello, History
Elena Gorfinkel, Art History
Dehlia Hannah, Provost Fellow, Columbia University
Tracey Heatherington, Anthropology
Jennifer Johung, Art History
Jenny Kehl, Center for Water Policy
Annie McClanahan, English
Michael Oldani, Sociology and Anthropology, UW-Whitewater
Arijit H. Sen, Architecture


Ivan Ascher, Political Science,
Joe Austin, History
Gloria Chan-Sook Kim, Provost Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Rochester
Elana Levine, Journalism, Advertising, and Media Studies
Stuart Moulthrop, English
Tasha Oren, English
Jason Puskar, English
Nigel Rothfels, Office of Undergraduate Research
Mark Vareschi, English, UW-Madison


Kimberly Blaeser, English
Katherine Paugh, History
Bernard C. Perley, Anthropology
Kristin Pitt, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Caroline Seymour-Jorn, French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
Deborah J. Wilk, Art History, UW-Whitewater


Erica Bornstein, Anthropology
Nan Kim, History
Nadine Kozak, School of Information Sciences
Ann Mattis, English, UW-Sheboygan
Jocelyn Szczepaniak-Gillece, English
Tanya Tiffany, Art History


Xin Huang, Women’s and Gender Studies
Ingrid Jordt, Anthropology
Andrew Kincaid, English
Jesse McLean, Film, Video, Animation, and New Genres
Gabriel Menotti, Editing and Multimedia, UFES Brazil, Visiting Fulbright Fellow
Alison Staudinger, Democracy and Justice Studies, UW-Green Bay
Kay Wells, Art History


Joel Berkowitz, Foreign Languages and Literature
Miren Boehm, Philosophy
Rachel Ida Buff, History
Elana Levine, Journalism, Advertising, and Media Studies
Thomas Malaby, Anthropology
Aragorn Quinn, Foreign Languages and Literature


Aneesh Aneesh, Sociology
Sukanya Banerjee, English
Christopher Cantwell, History
Daniel Marques, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (CECULT/UFRB), Visiting Fulbright Fellow
Lia Wolock, Journalism, Advertising, and Media Studies
Warner (Bill) Wood, Anthropology


Ivan Ascher, Political Science,
Douglas Haynes, English, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Jenny Kehl, Center for Water Policy
Gladys Mitchell-Walthour, African and African Diaspora Studies
Sarah VanderHaagen, Communication


Ben Balcom, Film
David DiValerio, History and Religious Studies
Christine Evans, History
Derek Handley, English
Maria Novotny, English
Sarah Schaefer, Art History


Nolan Bennett, Political Science, UW-Green Bay
Thomas Haigh, School of Information Studies
Nadine Kozak, School of Information Sciences
Amanda Seligman, History
Anika Wilson, African and African Diaspora Studies


Laurie Beth Clark (Spatula&Barcode), Department of Art, UW-Madison
Lisa Hager, English and Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies
David Jones, English, UW-Eau Claire
Lindsay Krug, Architecture
Anna Mansson McGinty, Geography and Women’s and Gender Studies
Michael Peterson (Spatula&Barcode), Department of Art, UW-Madison
M. Estrella Sotomayor, Spanish and Portuguese
Erin Winkler, African and African Diaspora Studies
