Due to the high volume of requests, please allow up to 3-4 weeks for letters to be written. Once written, letters will be sent to you UWM email account. All information below will be verified by your UW-Milwaukee academic advisor Step 1 of 2 50% Name* First Last UWM Student ID Number*Saudi ID Number*Email* Current Major*Number of credits you have taken online*Expected Graduation Date* FallSpringSummerWinter Term Year How many credits per semester to achieve estimated graduation*Do you plan on taking summer courses*YesNoDo you plan on taking winter courses*YesNo Do you have a financial guarantee?* Yes No When does it end?* MM slash DD slash YYYY What are you requesting?*Check all that apply Scholarship Extension Request to Change Major Permission to take online course Other Requesting a major change to which major:*Have you completed an online course in the past?*YesNoPrevious Online Course Taken:* FallSpringSummerWinter Semester Year Course Tile Course (ie MATH 105) Number of Credits Previous Online Course Taken: FallSpringSummerWinter Semester Year Course Tile Course (ie MATH 105) Number of Credits Previous Online Course Taken: FallSpringSummerWinter Semester Year Course Tile Course (ie MATH 105) Number of Credits Previous Online Course Taken: FallSpringSummerWinter Semester Year Course Tile Course (ie MATH 105) Number of Credits Name of the course you wish to take online and the semester in which you plan to take it:* FallSpringSummerWinter Semester Year Course Tile Course (ie MATH 105) Number of Credits If you do not take your requested online course, will it delay graduation?*NoYesIs the requested online course ONLY offered online for the requested semester?*NoYesIs there an alternative course or section offered that is NOT online?*NoYesPlease provide a detailed request*What is your reason for taking an online course*Has SACM approved you change of Major* Yes No