Please see the list below for all courses offered in Spring 2022. Click here for additional course and lab details from the Schedule of Classes.
Choose which Spring 2022 courses you’d like to see:
- All Courses (This list includes majors and non-majors courses)
- Cell and Molecular Biology Option (See all courses that count towards the CMB option)
- Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Option (See all courses that count towards the EEB option)
- General Biology Option (previously Flex) (See all majors courses)
- Microbiology Major (See all courses that count towards the Microbiology major)
Click here to declare a Biological Sciences major or minor.
All Courses
BIO SCI 100 Survey of Zoology
Meeting Pattern: M 11:00-12:50pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Johann Strickler
BIO SCI 101 General Survey of Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:45am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Marianna Orlova
BIO SCI 102 Elements of Biology
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00-11:50am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan
BIO SCI 103 (001) Topics in Modern Biology: Earth and the Tree of Life
Meeting Pattern: TR 3:30-4:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan
BIO SCI 104 Plants in Today’s World
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-2:50pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Muslin
BIO SCI 150 Foundations of Biological Sciences I
Meeting Pattern: MW 12:30-1:45pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan/Dr. Emily Latch
BIO SCI 152 Foundations of Biological Sciences II
Meeting Pattern: MWF 9:30-10:20am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Erica Young/Dr. Sonia Bardy/Dr. Rosemary Stelzer
BIO SCI 201 Human Structure and Function
Meeting Pattern: Online Asynchronous
Course Instructor: Dr. Andrew Petto
BIO SCI 202 Anatomy and Physiology I
Meeting Pattern: MW 12:30-1:45pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Rosemary Stelzer
BIO SCI 203 Anatomy and Physiology II
Meeting Pattern: MW 2:00-3:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Ann Raddant
BIO SCI 206 Biology of Women
Meeting Pattern: Online Asynchronous
Course Instructor: Terry Bott
BIO SCI 289 Internship in Biological Sciences, Lower Division
BIO SCI 290 Independent Study and Research
BIO SCI 296 UROP Apprenticeship
BIO SCI 297 Study Abroad
BIO SCI 310 General Ecology
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Gerlinde Höbel
BIO SCI 315 Cell Biology
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Dazhong Zhao
BIO SCI 316 Laboratory in Genetics and Cell Biology
Meeting Pattern: M 2:00-2:50pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Christopher Quinn
BIO SCI 325 Genetics
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00am-12:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Claire De La Cova
BIO SCI 358 Birds of Wisconsin
Meeting Pattern: W 9:30-10:20am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Peter Dunn
BIO SCI 383 General Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: MWF 12:30-1:20pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Gyaneshwar Prasad
BIO SCI 440/440G Ecology and Evolution of Amphibians and Reptiles
Meeting Pattern: TR 3:30-4:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Gerlinde Höbel
BIO SCI 455/455G Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neurobiology
Meeting Pattern: TR 3:30-4:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Ava Udvadia
BIO SCI 465/465G Biostatistics
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Filipe Alberto
BIO SCI 489 Internship in Biological Sciences, Upper Division
BIO SCI 495 Internship in Biotechnology, Upper Division
BIO SCI 496 UROP Apprenticeship, Upper-Level
BIO SCI 497 Study Abroad
BIO SCI 500/500G Plant Physiology
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Erica Young
BIO SCI 523/523G Evolution and Ecology of Birds
Meeting Pattern: MW 3:30-4:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan
BIO SCI 529/529G Molecular Biology of Microorganisms
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Madhusudan Dey
BIO SCI 532/532G Behavioral Ecology
Meeting Pattern: TR 12:30-1:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Rafael Rodríguez Sevilla
BIO SCI 535 Bacterial Pathogenesis
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Sonia Bardy
BIO SCI 544/544G Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Meeting Pattern: T 12:30-1:20pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Heather Owen
BIO SCI 566 Cell Biology of Human Disease
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:45am
Course Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Gutzman
BIO SCI 567/567G Fish Health
Meeting Pattern: T 10:00am-12:40pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Osvaldo Sepulveda Villet
BIO SCI 575/575G Evolutionary Biology
Meeting Pattern: MW 9:30-10:45am
Course Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Karron
BIO SCI 580 Experimental Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:20am
Course Instructor: Dr. Ching-Hong Yang/Dr. Sergei Kuchin
BIO SCI 611/611G Seminar on Recent Advances in Limnology and Oceanography
Meeting Pattern: W 2:00-3:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. John Berges
BIO SCI 670 (001) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: T 2:00-2:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Dazhong Zhao
BIO SCI 670 (002) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: R 12:30-1:20pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan
BIO SCI 670 (003) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: R 4:30-5:20pm
Course Instructor: Marianna Orlova
BIO SCI 671 Undergraduate Seminar in Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: F 11:00am-12:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Madhusudan Dey
BIO SCI 672 Undergraduate Seminar in Cell and Molecular Biology
Meeting Pattern: W 3:30-4:20pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Ava Udvadia
BIO SCI 695 Independent Study in Freshwater Sciences for Biological Sciences Students
BIO SCI 697 Independent Study in Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO SCI 698 Independent Study in Microbiology
BIO SCI 699 Independent Study
BIO SCI 735 Bacterial Pathogenesis
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Sonia Bardy
BIO SCI 766 Cell Biology of Human Disease
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:45am
Course Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Gutzman
BIO SCI 780 Experimental Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:20am
Course Instructor: Dr. Ching-Hong Yang/Dr. Sergei Kuchin
BIO SCI 899 Advanced Independent Studies
BIO SCI 900 Biology Colloquium
Meeting Pattern: F 4:00-5:00pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Johann Strickler
BIO SCI 925 Graduate Seminar in Biological Sciences: Research Progress in Cellular & Molecular Biology
Meeting Pattern: F 2:00-3:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Sergei Kuchin
BIO SCI 933 Seminar in Neuroscience
Meeting Pattern: F 2:00-3:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Gutzman
BIO SCI 934 Research Advances in Cell and Molecular Biology
Meeting Pattern: Varies by Section
Course Instructor: Varies by Section
BIO SCI 935 Research Advances in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
Meeting Pattern: Varies by Section
Course Instructor: Varies by Section
BIO SCI 936 Research Advances in Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: Varies by Section
Course Instructor: Varies by Section
BIO SCI 990 Research
Cell and Molecular Biology Option
BIO SCI 150 Foundations of Biological Sciences I
Meeting Pattern: MW 12:30-1:45pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan/Dr. Emily Latch
BIO SCI 152 Foundations of Biological Sciences II
Meeting Pattern: MWF 9:30-10:20am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Erica Young/Dr. Sonia Bardy/Dr. Rosemary Stelzer
BIO SCI 203 Anatomy and Physiology II
Meeting Pattern: MW 2:00-3:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Ann Raddant
BIO SCI 315 Cell Biology
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Dazhong Zhao
BIO SCI 316 Laboratory in Genetics and Cell Biology
Meeting Pattern: M 2:00-2:50pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Christopher Quinn
BIO SCI 325 Genetics
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00am-12:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Claire De La Cova
BIO SCI 383 General Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: MWF 12:30-1:20pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Gyaneshwar Prasad
BIO SCI 455/455G Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neurobiology
Meeting Pattern: TR 3:30-4:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Ava Udvadia
BIO SCI 500/500G Plant Physiology
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Erica Young
BIO SCI 529/529G Molecular Biology of Microorganisms
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Madhusudan Dey
BIO SCI 535 Bacterial Pathogenesis
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Sonia Bardy
BIO SCI 544/544G Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Meeting Pattern: T 12:30-1:20pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Heather Owen
BIO SCI 566 Cell Biology of Human Disease
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:45am
Course Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Gutzman
BIO SCI 580 Experimental Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:20am
Course Instructor: Dr. Ching-Hong Yang/Dr. Sergei Kuchin
BIO SCI 670 (001) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: T 2:00-2:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Dazhong Zhao
BIO SCI 670 (002) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: R 12:30-1:20pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan
BIO SCI 670 (003) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: R 4:30-5:20pm
Course Instructor: Marianna Orlova
BIO SCI 672 Undergraduate Seminar in Cell and Molecular Biology
Meeting Pattern: W 3:30-4:20pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Ava Udvadia
BIO SCI 697 Independent Study in Cell and Molecular Biology
Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Option
BIO SCI 150 Foundations of Biological Sciences I
Meeting Pattern: MW 12:30-1:45pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan/Dr. Emily Latch
BIO SCI 152 Foundations of Biological Sciences II
Meeting Pattern: MWF 9:30-10:20am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Erica Young/Dr. Sonia Bardy/Dr. Rosemary Stelzer
BIO SCI 310 General Ecology
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Gerlinde Höbel
BIO SCI 325 Genetics
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00am-12:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Claire De La Cova
BIO SCI 358 Birds of Wisconsin
Meeting Pattern: W 9:30-10:20am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Peter Dunn
BIO SCI 383 General Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: MWF 12:30-1:20pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Gyaneshwar Prasad
BIO SCI 440/440G Ecology and Evolution of Amphibians and Reptiles
Meeting Pattern: TR 3:30-4:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Gerlinde Höbel
BIO SCI 465/465G Biostatistics
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Filipe Alberto
BIO SCI 500/500G Plant Physiology
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Erica Young
BIO SCI 532/532G Behavioral Ecology
Meeting Pattern: TR 12:30-1:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Rafael Rodríguez Sevilla
BIO SCI 575/575G Evolutionary Biology
Meeting Pattern: MW 9:30-10:45am
Course Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Karron
BIO SCI 611/611G Seminar on Recent Advances in Limnology and Oceanography
Meeting Pattern: W 2:00-3:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. John Berges
BIO SCI 670 (001) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: T 2:00-2:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Dazhong Zhao
BIO SCI 670 (002) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: R 12:30-1:20pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan
BIO SCI 670 (003) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: R 4:30-5:20pm
Course Instructor: Marianna Orlova
BIO SCI 695 Independent Study in Freshwater Sciences for Biological Sciences Students
BIO SCI 699 Independent Study
General Biology Option (previously Flex)
BIO SCI 150 Foundations of Biological Sciences I
Meeting Pattern: MW 12:30-1:45pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan/Dr. Emily Latch
BIO SCI 152 Foundations of Biological Sciences II
Meeting Pattern: MWF 9:30-10:20am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Erica Young/Dr. Sonia Bardy/Dr. Rosemary Stelzer
BIO SCI 202 Anatomy and Physiology I
Meeting Pattern: MW 12:30-1:45pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Rosemary Stelzer
BIO SCI 203 Anatomy and Physiology II
Meeting Pattern: MW 2:00-3:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Ann Raddant
BIO SCI 310 General Ecology
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Gerlinde Höbel
BIO SCI 315 Cell Biology
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Dazhong Zhao
BIO SCI 316 Laboratory in Genetics and Cell Biology
Meeting Pattern: M 2:00-2:50pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Christopher Quinn
BIO SCI 325 Genetics
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00am-12:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Claire De La Cova
BIO SCI 358 Birds of Wisconsin
Meeting Pattern: W 9:30-10:20am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Peter Dunn
BIO SCI 383 General Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: MWF 12:30-1:20pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Gyaneshwar Prasad
BIO SCI 440/440G Ecology and Evolution of Amphibians and Reptiles
Meeting Pattern: TR 3:30-4:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Gerlinde Höbel
BIO SCI 455/455G Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neurobiology
Meeting Pattern: TR 3:30-4:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Ava Udvadia
BIO SCI 465/465G Biostatistics
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Filipe Alberto
BIO SCI 489 Internship in Biological Sciences, Upper Division
BIO SCI 500/500G Plant Physiology
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Erica Young
BIO SCI 523/523G Evolution and Ecology of Birds
Meeting Pattern: MW 3:30-4:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan
BIO SCI 529/529G Molecular Biology of Microorganisms
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Madhusudan Dey
BIO SCI 532/532G Behavioral Ecology
Meeting Pattern: TR 12:30-1:45pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Rafael Rodríguez Sevilla
BIO SCI 535 Bacterial Pathogenesis
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Sonia Bardy
BIO SCI 544/544G Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Meeting Pattern: T 12:30-1:20pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Heather Owen
BIO SCI 566 Cell Biology of Human Disease
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:45am
Course Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Gutzman
BIO SCI 575/575G Evolutionary Biology
Meeting Pattern: MW 9:30-10:45am
Course Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Karron
BIO SCI 580 Experimental Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:20am
Course Instructor: Dr. Ching-Hong Yang/Dr. Sergei Kuchin
BIO SCI 611/611G Seminar on Recent Advances in Limnology and Oceanography
Meeting Pattern: W 2:00-3:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. John Berges
BIO SCI 670 (001) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: T 2:00-2:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Dazhong Zhao
BIO SCI 670 (002) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: R 12:30-1:20pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan
BIO SCI 670 (003) Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences
Meeting Pattern: R 4:30-5:20pm
Course Instructor: Marianna Orlova
BIO SCI 671 Undergraduate Seminar in Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: F 11:00am-12:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Madhusudan Dey
BIO SCI 672 Undergraduate Seminar in Cell and Molecular Biology
Meeting Pattern: W 3:30-4:20pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Ava Udvadia
BIO SCI 695 Independent Study in Freshwater Sciences for Biological Sciences Students
BIO SCI 697 Independent Study in Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO SCI 698 Independent Study in Microbiology
BIO SCI 699 Independent Study
Microbiology Major
BIO SCI 150 Foundations of Biological Sciences I
Meeting Pattern: MW 12:30-1:45pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Selvakumar Ramakrishnan/Dr. Emily Latch
BIO SCI 152 Foundations of Biological Sciences II
Meeting Pattern: MWF 9:30-10:20am (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Erica Young/Dr. Sonia Bardy/Dr. Rosemary Stelzer
BIO SCI 315 Cell Biology
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Dazhong Zhao
BIO SCI 316 Laboratory in Genetics and Cell Biology
Meeting Pattern: M 2:00-2:50pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Christopher Quinn
BIO SCI 325 Genetics
Meeting Pattern: TR 11:00am-12:15pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Claire De La Cova
BIO SCI 383 General Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: MWF 12:30-1:20pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Gyaneshwar Prasad
BIO SCI 465/465G Biostatistics
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Filipe Alberto
BIO SCI 495 Internship in Biotechnology, Upper Division
BIO SCI 529/529G Molecular Biology of Microorganisms
Meeting Pattern: MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Madhusudan Dey
BIO SCI 535 Bacterial Pathogenesis
Meeting Pattern: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Sonia Bardy
BIO SCI 544/544G Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Meeting Pattern: T 12:30-1:20pm (labs vary)
Course Instructor: Dr. Heather Owen
BIO SCI 580 Experimental Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: TR 9:30-10:20am
Course Instructor: Dr. Ching-Hong Yang/Dr. Sergei Kuchin
BIO SCI 671 Undergraduate Seminar in Microbiology
Meeting Pattern: F 11:00am-12:50pm
Course Instructor: Dr. Madhusudan Dey
BIO SCI 698 Independent Study in Microbiology
BIO SCI 699 Independent Study