Jennifer Haas gives Brown Bag talk to Public Service Commission
Title: Archaeology and Historic Preservation in Wisconsin
Event: Archaeology Brown Bag, Wisconsin Public Service Commission
Title: Archaeology and Historic Preservation in Wisconsin
Event: Archaeology Brown Bag, Wisconsin Public Service Commission
Title: Something Other – Birds in Early Iron Age Slovenia
Symposium: Where the Wild Things are Not: Human-Animal Interaction in the Space Between Wild and Domestic
Title: Examining the Use Lives of Archaic Bipointed Bifaces: Cache Blades from the Riverside Site
Symposium: Integrating Functional Analysis – Contributions from Use-Wear Analysis within the Broader Context of Human Behavior in Prehistoric North American
Title: Challenges to the Wisconsin Burial Sites Preservation Statute (WisStats 157.70)
Poster Session: North American Midwest I
Title: Sculpting a Mississippian Aztalan: A Landscape Perspective
Poster Session: North American Midwest I
Title: $1.87 Each, Four Feet Long and Over; $0.87 Each, Less than Four Feet: A Spatial Analysis of Coffin Type and Coffin Hardware from the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery
Poster Session: North American Midwest I
Title: ’And Make Some Other Man Our King’: Mortuary Evidence for Labile Elite Power Structures in Early Iron Age Europe
Session: “Power from Below: Collectivity and Heterarchy in Global Perspective”
Title: Comparative Compositional Analysis of Parkin Phase Red-Slipped Pottery and Red Ochre Deposits Using PXRF and Petrography
Poster Session: North American Midwest I
Title: Examining the Use Lives of Archaic Bipointed Bifaces: Cache Blades from the Riverside Site (20ME0001)
Symposium: Integrating Functional Analysis: Contributions from Use-Wear Analysis within the Broader Context of Human Behavior in Prehistoric North America
Title: Producing Knowledge Through the Production of 3D Digital Artifacts
Symposium: Archaeological Epistemology in the Digital Age
Title: Strangers in a Strange Land: The Lake Koshkonong Oneota Locality in Context
Session: General Session: Archaeology in the American Midwest I
Title: The Origins of Early Fort Ancient Villages in the Ohio Valley
Location: Sabin Hall, UW-Milwaukee Campus
Title: Wisconsin’s Burial Sites Law in Practice: Case Studies from Southeastern Wisconsin
Workshop: 2017 Archaeology Consultants Workshop, Wisconsin Historical Society
Title: Canine Surrogacy Approach: Using Our Best Friend’s Bones to Reconstruct Prehistoric Human Diet in the Western Great Lakes
Location: Archaeology Lecture Series, UW-Madison, Anthropology Department
Title: Belted Ladies and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age back to Life
Location: Archaeological Institute of America San Antonio Society, Trinity College, San Antonio, TX