American Public Policy and Full Employment: The Imperative of Martin Luther King’s Political Economy in the 21st Century
Representing both faculty and graduate student collaboration at UWM, as well as inter-departmental cooperation, Professor Jeffrey Sommers and Rachel Hegland (with Patrick Delices as 3rd author) published a peer-reviewed article on the political economy of Martin Luther King’s employment policies: “American Public Policy and Full Employment: The Imperative of Martin Luther King’s Political Economy in the 21st Century.” The article currently is on Sage Open and is scheduled to be published in the Journal of Black Studies.
Sommers holds a dual appointment at UWM as Professor of Political Economy and Public Policy in the Department of African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS), as well as Global Studies. Rachel Hegland is a graduate student in UWM’s Master’s Program in Public Administration and the program associate for AADS. Delices was formerly a graduate student in AADS.