January 18, 2022  |  News & Events, Timely Announcements

Colleagues –

To avoid student confusion next week, we must clearly communicate any changes to meeting locations. To that end, I want to call attention to this paragraph in the Spring Guidelines document (the full document is available here: https://uwm.edu/academicaffairs/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2022/01/Spring_2022_guidelines_FINAL-2.pdf):

All instructors should communicate clearly with students by the morning of January 19. The Canvas announcements should have one of these titles, as appropriate, with more specific information in the body of the announcement:

a. Class will meet as planned, or
b. Class will meet online through 1/28/22.

Please use these exact phrasings, as doing so will allow us to scrape course meeting location data to create a comprehensive list. Advisors, peer mentors, and others can then use that list to help students who may be switching or adding sections.

Instructors will also need to “Publish” the Canvas course to make it available to students (https://kb.uwm.edu/91181).

Due to time sensitivity, we do ask that you please complete these actions by noon tomorrow (January 19). Thanks for your help with this.

Take care,


Johannes Britz
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs


NOTE: On January 18, 2022, this message was sent to all Spring 2022 instructors, as well as deans and associate deans