August 16, 2024  |  News & Events, Timely Announcements

Read Provost Daire’s August 14, 2024 Welcome to the Fall semester message to Instructors: here or below:

August 14, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the Fall 2024 semester! As you know, summer is winding down and instruction begins on September 3; I’m excited to see you and our students back on campus.

At the August 7th Deans’ Retreat, I shared that metrics and benchmarks without purpose can create activity, which feels like busy work and can be draining. However, expression of work towards a shared, noble, extraordinary, and aspirational purpose is action, which is uniting and energizing. We are at a key transition point in the future of UWM where it will be critically important that we lean even further into our shared, noble, extraordinary, and aspirational purpose which is reflected in our 2030 Strategic Plan This year, we will create renewed action around the four pillars of our 2030 plan:

  • commitment to students’ engagement and their academic and personal journey;
  • commitment to research, innovation, and community impact;
  • commitment to positive employee experience; and
  • commitment to fiscal sustainability and economic anchoring of southeastern Wisconsin.

I am sure we can all agree that the most important of these is the success of our students. Please know that your work with our students is key to their success!

As you prepare for the fall term, please consult our “Semester Memo,” which now lives on the Academic Affairs web site; on it you’ll find the UWM Syllabus Template as well as links to many resources for students and instructors:

In addition, I want to bring your attention to several policies that are new this year:

New Canvas policies (from Faculty Document 3504)

  • Use of Canvas. Instructors of online and hybrid courses must use the Learning Management System (LMS) provided by UWM; as of now, that is Canvas. Instructors maintain the ability to use additional platforms as appropriate for achieving pedagogical outcomes but must use the official LMS as a foundational launch pad for all course activities.
  • Canvas availability. Before the first day of the semester, instructors of online and hybrid courses must, at minimum, publish basic course elements including the syllabus and any book and/or material requirements on the LMS site.

Three additional new policies:

  • Add Deadline: This policy is detailed in SAAP 1-3. Beginning in fall 2024, adding a course after the fifth day of instruction will require permission; the previous policy allowed unrestricted adds until the tenth day of instruction.
  • Online Contingency Options in the Event of Cancellation of In-Person Classes: Faculty Document 3490 prescribes the options that are available to instructors in the event that in-person classes are cancelled.
  • Prohibition of Class Recess Due Dates: Faculty Document 3492 prohibits instructors from setting course due dates that occur during class recesses or on legal holidays; this includes Thanksgiving recess in fall and spring break in spring.

I hope you got some great rest and down-time this summer, and that you’re finding time for some relaxation before the semester kicks into full gear in September. Thank you for all that you do to support our students.

With appreciation,

Andrew P. Daire, PhD
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs