January 27, 2023


TO: Academic Leadership Council
Division Heads
Department Chairs
Student Association President
FROM: Scott Gronert, Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor
RE: Educational Technology Projects for 2023-24
DUE DATE: February 28, 2023

The Advisory Committee on Educational Technology invites proposals from the campus for one-time funds in 2023-24 supporting projects in line with the intent of the Educational Technology fees as described in the Committee’s policies and procedures posted at: http://www.uwm.edu/academicaffairs/facultystaff/policies/edtech-advisorycomm-policies/.

The committee anticipates that substantial funds will continue to support campus-wide technologies such as campus computer laboratories, wireless technologies and collaborative software. Units are encouraged to provide matching funds and, if applicable, indicate how the unit plans to support the project in the future.

Project proposals should be submitted electronically on the Educational Technology Fund Form A to ed-tech@uwm.edu no later than midnight, February 28, 2023.


Attachment: Educational Technology Fund Form A