December 17, 2020  |  News & Events, Timely Announcements


I greatly appreciate the flexibility and kindness you and your instructors have shown students during another unprecedented semester; I know a lot of instructors are taking on the extra work of providing options beyond the normal alternate assignments, extending deadlines, and providing extra credit opportunities. As we near the end of the term, I just want to remind you of some of the additional options we have available to students who are struggling.

Incomplete. Instructors can choose to grant an incomplete to students who have almost but not quite finished their work during the term. This should be used with caution, as it does create additional work for instructors, and students who take on too many incompletes can get themselves further behind.

Late withdrawal. Students can work with advisors to file an appeal for a late withdrawal, which would allow them to remove the course from their record. This option is likely best for students who have stopped participating, and it would require dean’s-level approval.

Credit/No Credit. We did not move to a credit/no credit option for the full campus this fall, but students may, as was always the case, work with their advisor to submit an appeal to change their grade to credit/no credit. Normally at this point in the term the answer would be no, but deans may wish their advising staff to allow more flexibility this term. This option might be best for students who have been participating consistently, but at a level less than their normal capability. It would also be important to determine that they do not need the graded credit to advance their degree progress.

Thanks for all you do, and I wish you a great end of the term.

Take care,


Johannes Britz
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs