Graduate Research News

2012–2013 News

USP PhD student Mike Ford has accepted a tenure-track position in the department of Public Administration at UW-Oshkosh starting next fall. Mike extends his thanks to “everyone who makes the trains run at USP for all the opportunities offered by the program,” and says that USP made him “well-prepared for the interview process.” Congratulations Mike!!

Doctoral student Ron Smith has had his conference paper “Reproducing Racism: Newspapers, Civil Rights and Journalism Wrongs” accepted to the 2013 Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference in New York City.

MS student Jerry Knapp started a new position as Executive Director of the King Drive Business Improvement District.

2011 News

Dr. Kimberly Stephenson accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Urban Studies in the College of Public Service & Urban Affairs at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee.

Karen W. Moore, USP doctoral student, accepted a one-year appointment in the UW-Whitewater Political Science Department for 2011-12.

USP doctoral student Mike Ford just published “School Exits in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: Evidence of a Marketplace?” in the Journal of School Choice (vol. 5, no. 2, June 2011). He was also recently quoted in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on the school voucher program in Milwaukee.

USP doctoral student Deborah Blanks’ opinion piece ran in the June 8, 2011 issue of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

USP doctoral student Margaret (Megan) Zienkiewicz was featured in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel as a winner of the “lousy cook” contest. She won cooking lessons!

MS student Sarah Barber received a fellowship from the American Indian Graduate Center.

USP master’s student Nelida Cortes received an Advanced Opportunity Fellowship from UWM’s Graduate School.

New doctoral student Ron Smith is granted an award from his cross-town alma mater.