Portuguese 203

Mapeando a Lingua Unidade 1

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o carnavalesco participant in Carnaval, reveller
alcançar to achieve, reach, accomplish
a sensibilidade sensitivity, responsiveness
invejar to envy, begrudge
a figura form, figure, shape, appearance
atrelar to harness, couple up, put on a leash
assinar to sign, subscribe
a afirmação statement, affirmation
acima above, over
a dupla pair, duo, duet
escolher to choose
a escolha choice
o resumo summary
principalmente especially, principally
o/a colega colleague, classmate
cotidiano daily, day to day
tender to tend
erudito scholarly, highbrow
o seriado (TV) series
preencher to fill, fulfill, accomplish
nocivo bad, harmful, noxious
a circulação circulation
injustiçado wronged
tossir to cough
esgotado exhausted, used up
a escavação dig, excavation
o vestígio trace, holdover
indelével indelible (unable to be forgotten, erased)
apagar to delete, erase
arrebatador overwhelmingly
deslumbrante gorgeous, dazzling
sombrio dark, bleak, gloomy
cenário setting, scenery
o abrigo shelter, bunker (safe place)
a aridez dryness, drought
o chifre horn, antler
o elo link
espalhar to spread, disseminate
estria groove
o estrondo bang, crack, boom
sinuosa wavy, winding, twisting
predileto favorite
divulgar to spread, broadcast, divulge
disseminar to disseminate
a graciosidade gracefulness
o sulco groove, furrow
a excrescência outgrowth (normal or abnormal i.e. horns on a deer or a wart on a human)
o mamífero mammal
enumerar to list, enumerate
rupestre living or growing on rocks
a serra mountain range
então so, then, thus
selvagem wild, savage, uncivilized
ondulado wavy
estirar to stretch (out)
alto-revelo high relief
o jorro jet, gush, spurt
o calcário limestone
o arenito sandstone
coroar to crown
a caatinga scrubs or scrubland
lítico lithic, pertaining to stone
o esconderijo den, cubby, hideout
a rocha rock
crescente increasing, rising
o conteúdo content,
mascarado masked
mascarar to mask
sinousamente wavily, windingly
ajoelhar to kneel (down)
o acontecido happening, occurrence
a águia eagle
a pomba dove, pigeon
a presa catch, prey
largar to leave, drop, let go
machucado hurt
o machucado wound, injury
a beira side, edge, border
a bala bullet
o jato jet (plane)
a garra claw
a andorinha swallow (species of bird)
a bela beautiful
deslocado displaced, misfit
minúsculo tiny, minuscule, lower-case
o penhasco cliff
o esterco dung, manure
a cotia small rodent, relative of the capybara
a capivara capybara (large south american rodent)
alumbrar enlighten, illuminate
traduzir to translate, decode
o esboço sketch, outline
o veado deer (also vulgar term)
a cobra snake
remeter to send, ship, mail
a gratidão gratitude
o aquecimento warm-up, heating
sob under, below
espalhado scattered, diffuse, stray
perto near
longe far
surgir to appear, arise, emerge
o pedaço piece, bit, chunk
a (caneta) hidrocor felt tip pen
a sepultura grave, tomb
o intervalo interval, timeout, intermission
odiar to hate
costumar to accustom, to “use to” (I used to…)
esburacar make many holes, bore, perforate
tatear grope, fumble, feel (for)
cansativo wearisome, tiring, laborious
sugar to suck up, absorb, embezzle
retornar to return, recall, bring back
embrulhar to bundle, envelop, wrap up
surdo deaf
mudo mute
cego blind
o luar moonlight
o interregno interregnum (gap, interruption)
saquear to loot, ravage, pillage
prender to arrest, hold, capture
o monge monk, friar
o/a cineasta filmmaker
o salteador robber
levar to take(away), carry
empurrar to push, shove
privar to deprive
perpetrar to commit, perpetrate
alucinado delirious, raving
libertado freed, released, liberated
o cabeçalho heading, letterhead
desencadear unleash, unchain
arrastar to drag, pull
o vácuo vacuum, void
interagir to interact
empenhado to pawn
seduzir to seduce
a trilha trail, path
concordar to agree
discordar to disagree
monitorar to monitor
o estranho stranger, foreigner
estranhar to find strange, wonder, admire
carregar to carry, load, charge
o ente being
vagar to roam, drift, meander
pingar to drip, drizzle
gravar to record
o idoso elder, senior
a dádiva gift
vibrar to vibrate, brandish
encenar to stage, exhibit
outrem someone else, other
alheio foreign, alien
susceptível susceptible
corrente chain, draft, current
a menção mention, reference
tornar-se to become
intransmissível non-negotiable
rejeitar reject, deny
aproveitar to take advantage, profit
portar to carry
transmissível capable of being transmitted, spread
o conceito concept, thought, notion
orgânico organic
aceitável acceptable
valorizar to value
armazenar to store
o retalho morsel, little piece, shred

Mapeando a Lingua Unidade 2

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Preencher fill, fulfill, accomplish
a função function
o quarto oscuro dark room
alterar to change, modify, alter
expor to expose, show, display
a percepção perception
consumir to consume, devour, use
a prova proof, test, evidence
a sedução seduction, allure
perceber to perceive, notice, realize
levado brought, taken (to)
o telhado roof
o bombardeio bombing
registrar to register, record
a vontade will, wish, desire
a correlação correlation
anteriormente previously, before now
a ocasião occasion
determinar to determine
pousar to land, spend the night
fugir to flee, run away
fazer caretas to make faces
olhos fechados closed eyes
grifar to emphasize, stress, underline
cabeludo hairy
tirar fotos to take pictures
a bolsa de estudos scholarship
formar-se to graduate
o assunto subject, matter
balançar to balance, swing
o estágio internship
o aprendiz apprentice
colocar to put place set
colocar-se to get a job
experiente expert, experienced, skilled
o grau degree, grade
o ensino teaching
bisbilhotar to scheme, gossip
radicalmente radically
exato exact, accurate
a fábrica plant, factory
a empresa company, firm
o funcionário employee, clerk, official
o jacu bumpkin, yokel
o emprego job
envolver to involve, surround, enclose
resolver to solve, resolve, settle
largar to release, let go, free
o mestrado Masters degree
surgir to appear, arise, emerge
a ONG NGO (Non-Governmental Organization)
propor to propose
o meio-ambiente environment
esquentar to heat, warm (literally or figuratively[make emotional])
chatear to bother, annoy
consolar to console, comfort
concedir to concede, grant
a mudança change, shift, relocation
surpreender-se to be taken by surprise
doer to hurt, ache
tátil tactile (related to sense of touch)
olfativa olfactory (related to sense of smell)
gustativa gustatory (relating to sense of taste)
a porcentagem percentage
a exceção exception
falecer to die, pass away
adivinhar to guess
inchar to swell, inflate, puff up
encetar-se to do something for the first time
incensar to incense, worship, flatter
arder to burn
elogiar to laud, praise
caloroso warm, sultry, ardent
perscrutar to peer, scrutinize
exaltar-se to boast, extol oneself
o recôndito corner, recess, hiding place
esconder to hide
oculto hidden
ostensivo ostensible (appearing, apparent)
proclamar to proclaim
engajar to engage
a obrigação obligation
manter-se to hold on, carry out, stay with
o recorte cutting, snippet, clipping
inevitavelmente inevitably
o encantamento enchantment, spell
a transformação transformation
gerar generate
a resistência resistance, opposition
explorar to explore
socorrer to help, assist, aid
a pista track
atribuir to attribute, assign to
transbordar to overflow, inundate
inundar to inundate, flood
a comoção commotion, disturbance, riot
intrigante intriguing
a mochila backpack
a costa coast, shore
a cena scene
inusitado unused
pungente pungent
lançar-se to throw one-self, discharge
a expectativa expectation, hope, anticipation
a estratégia strategy
conceber conceive, think, understand
inserir to insert
ancorar to anchor
certamente surely, certainly
lidar (com) to deal (with)
inquietar to disturb, disquiet
a imprensa printing press
testemunhar to witness
retratar to portray, paint
denotar to denote
amplamente widely
trocar to change, exchange, substitute
portanto so, therefore
enojar to sicken
cativar to captivate, enthrall, thrill
a lacuna gap, void
a laguna lagoon
a ressaca undertow, hangover a ressalva reservation, exception
a resgate rescue, redemption, liberation
o afogamento drowning
os afazeres tasks, duties
o lançamento launching
o apelo appeal, plea
radicar take root
a colaboração collaboration
cobrir to cover, coat, veil
constituir-se to consist of
intitular to give a title to
refutar to refute, disprove, rebuff
a gaveta drawer
certeiro well-done, correct, accurate
cirúrgico surgical
arrebatador ravishing
traduzir to translate
tragar to swallow, swig
o cordel string, drawstring
aproximar-se approach, come close to
esquecer to forget
rever to review
a limitação limitation
deturpar to misrepresent
realçar to enhance, intensify

Mapeando a Lingua Unidade 3

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o carnavalesco participant in Carnaval, reveller
alcançar to achieve, reach, accomplish
a sensibilidade sensitivity, responsiveness
invejar to envy, begrudge
a figura form, figure, shape, appearance
atrelar to harness, couple up, put on a leash
assinar to sign, subscribe
a afirmação statement, affirmation
acima above, over
a dupla pair, duo, duet
escolher to choose
a escolha choice
o resumo summary
principalmente especially, principally
o/a colega colleague, classmate
cotidiano daily, day to day
tender to tend
erudito scholarly, highbrow
o seriado (TV) series
preencher to fill, fulfill, accomplish
nocivo bad, harmful, noxious
a circulação circulation
injustiçado wronged
tossir to cough
esgotado exhausted, used up
a escavação dig, excavation
o vestígio trace, holdover
indelével indelible (unable to be forgotten, erased)
apagar to delete, erase
arrebatador overwhelmingly
deslumbrante gorgeous, dazzling
sombrio dark, bleak, gloomy
cenário setting, scenery
o abrigo shelter, bunker (safe place)
a aridez dryness, drought
o chifre horn, antler
o elo link
espalhar to spread, disseminate
estria groove
o estrondo bang, crack, boom
sinuosa wavy, winding, twisting
predileto favorite
divulgar to spread, broadcast, divulge
disseminar to disseminate
a graciosidade gracefulness
o sulco groove, furrow
a excrescência outgrowth (normal or abnormal i.e. horns on a deer or a wart on a human)
o mamífero mammal
enumerar to list, enumerate
rupestre living or growing on rocks
a serra mountain range
então so, then, thus
selvagem wild, savage, uncivilized
ondulado wavy
estirar to stretch (out)
alto-revelo high relief
o jorro jet, gush, spurt
o calcário limestone
o arenito sandstone
coroar to crown
a caatinga scrubs or scrubland
lítico lithic, pertaining to stone
o esconderijo den, cubby, hideout
a rocha rock
crescente increasing, rising
o conteúdo content,
mascarado masked
mascarar to mask
sinousamente wavily, windingly
ajoelhar to kneel (down)
o acontecido happening, occurrence
a águia eagle
a pomba dove, pigeon
a presa catch, prey
largar to leave, drop, let go
machucado hurt
o machucado wound, injury
a beira side, edge, border
a bala bullet
o jato jet (plane)
a garra claw
a andorinha swallow (species of bird)
a bela beautiful
deslocado displaced, misfit
minúsculo tiny, minuscule, lower-case
o penhasco cliff
o esterco dung, manure
a cotia small rodent, relative of the capybara
a capivara capybara (large south american rodent)
alumbrar enlighten, illuminate
traduzir to translate, decode
o esboço sketch, outline
o veado deer (also vulgar term)
a cobra snake
remeter to send, ship, mail
a gratidão gratitude
o aquecimento warm-up, heating
sob under, below
espalhado scattered, diffuse, stray
perto near
longe far
surgir to appear, arise, emerge
o pedaço piece, bit, chunk
a (caneta) hidrocor felt tip pen
a sepultura grave, tomb
o intervalo interval, timeout, intermission
odiar to hate
costumar to accustom, to “use to” (I used to…)
esburacar make many holes, bore, perforate
tatear grope, fumble, feel (for)
cansativo wearisome, tiring, laborious
sugar to suck up, absorb, embezzle
retornar to return, recall, bring back
embrulhar to bundle, envelop, wrap up
surdo deaf
mudo mute
cego blind
o luar moonlight
o interregno interregnum (gap, interruption)
saquear to loot, ravage, pillage
prender to arrest, hold, capture
o monge monk, friar
o/a cineasta filmmaker
o salteador robber
levar to take(away), carry
empurrar to push, shove
privar to deprive
perpetrar to commit, perpetrate
alucinado delirious, raving
libertado freed, released, liberated
o cabeçalho heading, letterhead
desencadear unleash, unchain
arrastar to drag, pull
o vácuo vacuum, void
interagir to interact
empenhado to pawn
seduzir to seduce
a trilha trail, path
concordar to agree
discordar to disagree
monitorar to monitor
o estranho stranger, foreigner
estranhar to find strange, wonder, admire
carregar to carry, load, charge
o ente being
vagar to roam, drift, meander
pingar to drip, drizzle
gravar to record
o idoso elder, senior
a dádiva gift
vibrar to vibrate, brandish
encenar to stage, exhibit
outrem someone else, other
alheio foreign, alien
susceptível susceptible
corrente chain, draft, current
a menção mention, reference
tornar-se to become
intransmissível non-negotiable
rejeitar reject, deny
aproveitar to take advantage, profit
portar to carry
transmissível capable of being transmitted, spread
o conceito concept, thought, notion
orgânico organic
aceitável acceptable
valorizar to value
armazenar to store
o retalho morsel, little piece, shred