Anne Frances Wysocki

Associate Professor Emerita


PhD, Michigan Technological University
San Francisco Art Institute, Animation and Film Studies
MA, University of California at Berkeley
BA, University of California at Berkeley

Teaching Interests

New media aesthetics, composition, culture, and rhetorics; technologies of communication; pedagogy

Selected Publications

Wysocki, Anne F., and Lynch, Dennis A. The DK Handbook, 2nd ed New York: Longman. 2010.
Wysocki, Anne F., and Lynch, Dennis A. compose/design/advocate: a rhetoric for integrating the written, visual, and oral New York: Longman Press. 2006.
Wysocki, Anne F. “awaywithwords: on the possibilities in unavailabledesigns” Computers & Composition 22.1 (2005): 55-62.
Wysocki, Anne F. “Learning from Fatty Bear: Calling Forth Gender in Children's Interactive Multimedia” Multiliteracies for the Twenty-first Century Ed. Huot, Brian, Bazerman, Charles, and Stroble, Elizabeth. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. (2004): 227-252.
Wysocki, Anne F., and Jasken, Julia I. “What Should be an Unforgettable Face” Computers & Composition 21.1 (2004): 29-48.
Wysocki, Anne F., Johnson-Eilola, Johndan, Selfe, Cynthia , and Sirc, Geoffrey . Writing New Media: Theory and applications for expanding the teaching of composition Logan, UT: Utah State University Press. 2004.
Wysocki, Anne F., and Lynch, Dennis A. “From First-Year Composition to Second-Year Multiliteracies: Integrating Instruction in Oral, Written, and Visual Instruction at a Technological University” Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators 26.3 (2003): 149-170.
Wysocki, Anne F. “The Multiple Media of Texts: How Onscreen and Paper Texts incorporate Words, Images, and Other Media” What Writing Does and How It Does It: An Introduction to Analysis of Text and Textual Practices Ed. Bazerman, Charles, and Prior, Paul. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates. (2003): 123-163.
Wysocki, Anne F. “A Bookling Monument” Kairos 7.3 (2002).