Average Salaries of Communication Majors Increased, 2013-2014

According to data collected by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, graduates with degrees in communication disciplines reported a 10% increase in salaries from 2013 to 2014. Additional information can be found in, NACE Salary Survey: September 2014 Executive Summary.

Broad Category 2013 Average Salary 2014 Average Salary Percent Change
Business $57,229 $55,635 2.9%
Communications $48,253 $43,835 10.1%
Computer Science $62,103 $58,547 6.1%
Education $40,267 $40,337 -0.2%
Engineering $62,891 $62,062 1.3%
Humanities & Social Sciences $38,049 $37,791 0.7%
Math & Sciences $44,299 $42,731 3.7%
Overall $48,707 $45,327 7.5%