Fee Schedule

There are several factors used to determine the charges made on work done by the Cartography and Geographic Information Science Center University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. All users within the University System are charged labor costs and materials, and if applicable, an equipment surcharge. The fee schedule below is valid for fiscal year 7-1-21 through 6-30-22 and is approved by the state legislature.

Specifically, users fees for the Cartography and Geographic Information Science Center are determined as follows:

Service and Labor

  1. Consultation on mapping methods, design, and reproduction – $50.70 per hour in-house, $75.79 per hour external.
  2. Complex map compilation, drafting and reproduction – $37.62 per hour in-house, $56.24 per hour external.
  3. Basic map compilation, drafting and reproduction – $26.90 per hour in-house, $40.21 per hour external.
  4. Premium rate: “rush” and other jobs requiring overtime use of personnel and facilities, changes in work schedules, changing job priority, “work time” different than schedule time, work time extending into or through meal times, etc. – an additional 50%.


Charges are made on the cost of all materials used. These include diskettes, computer output supplies, etc.

Equipment Replacement and Maintenance

The major capital equipment in the Cartography and Geographic Information Science Center include computers, scanners, plotter and printers. In addition, there are basic tools and equipment that must be replaced over time. Amortization of this equipment has been calculated along with estimated maintenance costs. Only jobs requiring the use of major capital equipment are charged this portion of the users fee – $7.96 per hour in-house, $11.90 per hour external.